July and August are going to be Insane !!!
I have been so bad... All of a sudden I realized it....so I will try to keep you updated with my schedule better in the future. Next Weekend ( another birthday on the road) I will be going to Naperville, Ill. It's another 1st time show and I hope it will be a good one. I do hope the people I met at Old Town will go to the show as I have some new large work I think you all will like. I am in booth 76. Hope to see you there.
After Naperville I will be heading up to Touchstone to teach an encaustic class....very excited to be traveling up to Farmington. 🐝🐝🐝Then over to My Mom's house in Matawan New Jersey to celebrate her 100th Birthday!!!!!📢🔔🏆🎖🍥🦄🦄🦄. My family has longevity genes and my Mom is so sharp- with a million friends- Can't Wait!!! Then to Berlin to see Keegs and a beach trip to Split , Croatia and Slovinia. Back on the 18th of August to go to the Woodland show in Lexington.... It's going to be a wild but exciting month!!!!