June 6th 2020

I wrote this on Facebook this week…. This week, probably one of the most incredible weeks in the history of this country. I think it says all I need to say…Except I will never be done learning and changing and helping this cause, which has been “national wrong” for far too long.

Last night in my dream,  A stormtrooper type was coming to my house with a semi-automatic weapon. I locked the doors but the kids (they were little) walked over and undid the chain on the door. The guy came in and shot me in the face. I woke up. This was at 3 am. It totally freaked me out and I couldn't get back to sleep. I thought about how African American's probably have dreams like this on a regular basis and my white privileged ass doesn't, and I just kept going over in my head how awful all of this is and for so long. Our country is rife with racism, and  I and every white person who thought we were not racist, just turned a blind eye for way too long to something we should have dealt with.....and this makes us all culpable. If you haven't seen me marching with you in unity it's because I had to have a COVID19 test and couldn't get out until it came back-no worries it was negative but it took me out of commission for a week. I was there in spirit all the way and reading "Stamped from the Beginning" by Ibram X. Kendi. I recommend it...time to educate ourselves.