The light at the end of the tunnel….

It’s green again. It feels like I have been in winter for an entire year. I know it was green last Spring too… it just didn’t feel like it. This whole last year, when I look back now just feels like a movie scene where the protagonist trudges through a blizzard with no end in sight. But finally, miraculously there are green blades of grass sticking up through the snow. I know we are not out of the woods yet with this pandemic… but that there is an actual art show again this weekend, and that I have gotten my shots and I am no longer life or death afraid feels very green. So with great anticipation I head to 4Bridges in Chattanooga this next weekend. The show is from 10 to 6 Saturday and Sunday and I am in booth 38. I’m letting that seep in. It feels so good. I’ll get to see many of my circuit friends, who I haven’t seen in over a year. In my profession you go from show to studio. Hunkering down alone after each show to fill inventory sold in the previous show. Then when a show happens, we catch up with all of our compadres, We all work hard alone and then get to blow off some steam together. All of us were used to the alone time, fans of it actually, but with no shows to break that up, It was pretty bleak. Not that it wasn’t for everyone else. We all just spent the hands down weirdest and scariest year of our lives. So, that it feels green again is exhilarating and exciting. I feel like I’m going to the prom again, It’s finally here, that special night I get to dress up (aka: show my art) and celebrate the incredible hope that maybe we all made it through this… are coming out the other side of this and we get to party again. I sometimes used to complain that shows were so hard, until I didn’t get to do them anymore. Funny how profound that feels. How that won’t be happening again for a good while. I know we will be distanced and masked and hugs will be out of the question… but it’s still going to feel very real, very joyful… very very green.