Long, Hot Fabulous Summer...

Haven’t been on here for a minute. I’ve been busy doing shows…a lot of shows. And although I usually write these in my car on the way to the show I was sitting in my studio today when I decided it was time to write another. Since St. Charles there have been four shows-whew! Cincinnati Summerfair where I won an award of excellence. Cain Park, Cleveland, where I also won an award of excellence, Ann Arbor, the Original, where I won one of the 10 excellence awards given out (it was a big deal, really). and Atlanta, Dogwood where I won Best in Mixed Media. What the hell is going on? 8 shows since we have been back and 7 awards. As bad as the quarantine was, apparently it was a creatively productive time for me…hell of a way to get there though. This next weekend we are headed up to Lexington to go to the Woodlawn Arts Festival. I was there in 2019 and it was good then, lets hope the good continues. Rain is scheduled so it could be a wash out but who knows, keeping my fingers crossed. I tell you all this, not to brag, well maybe a little tiny bit, but to say I really kicked it so we could spend next week and the week after tooling around the Pelloponese in Greece for a week and then heading up to my daughter, Keegan’s place in Berlin for a week. I can’t freaking wait. Of course we have had to jump through hoops to get all the COVID testing and stuff to go, a pain to say the least, and a ton of people saying, maybe it’s too early to travel…, but WE ARE GOING! By hook or by crook we are going to do some wonderful research at Argo and Epicurus and Olympus and a host of other sites in the Peloponnese that hold the history of Greece in it’s hands. We are renting a car in Athens and are going to get sooooo lost- but good lost, so I am up for it. Keep track of our trip on Facebook and Instagram. There will be some serious note taking…although I have devoured every book I can get on the sites I am about to see, and photography, (I’m bringing an expert-Ha!). Can’t wait to go. I need this on so many levels and getting to hang with Keegs and Robin is the icing on the cake. I haven’t seen my daughter in almost two years. I feel sort of like the people in New York felt in the 1800’s when their kids would take off for the West and they would never hear from them again. Of course I still talk to Keegie two to three times a week but it sort of feels the same. I cannot wait to give her a huge hug. I might not let go or who knows…follow my dream to have a small gallery in Greece. (Man oh man, would that be sweet). Except I will never be able to get the Greek language. It’s crazy hard since the alphabet is different. My house is full of post it notes with words on them and I am hoping I retain at least a little bit. For now it’s “Kalimara to you and see you soon.. I’m off like a prom dress….