We Are All Wonder Women....

It’s the 21st of March and two of my shows have been cancelled and probably a lot more will fall like dominos. This is a scary time and if your business revolves around selling art, it’s scarier than ever. Nobody wants to buy art when we don’t know where the next paycheck is coming from. I get it. But this is a call out to anyone who might have the discretionary income to help out artists’ in any capacity they can. I know I need it, others do too.

Self isolation is not a problem for me. I have been self isolating since January, that’s what artists do to get the creative juices flowing. I truly don’t know many artists that aren’t isolationists. But I am also an extrovert in the sense that I go to shows and talk for three days and by the time I get home I am ready for the isolation. That 2nd part has disappeared. So, I find myself going slower than usual and not getting as much done. I do have to say that since coming back from the Temple Beth El Show at the end of January, I have completed over 21 paintings in many different sizes. I have been productive. But stress is a fickle mistress and like all of us, she works on your psyche to make you nuts and feeling hopeless. I am a good soldier. I haven’t gone out much and realize the importance of staying away from people. I woke up at 3:30 in the morning last night feeling like I was going to be sick to my stomach. You know that crappy feeling before you vomit where your whole body is ill. Well, I immediately thought I might have the virus. I was way off base. It was COVID19 paranoia at best, and I has just probably eaten something that didn’t agree. But, suffice to say, that was not a normal person’s reaction…..I imagined the worse and that is not good.

I think we all need to be Amazon women at this time. Fighters of this invisible foe. Majestic warriors. If they could cut off their left breast so they could shoot an arrow better…than I should be able to stay in my dang house….It’s not even a fair trade…I’m going to give it my best shot.

Love to you all, take care….sending good thoughts for a good outcome.