It’s been a good year....

I don’t use this page enough... and every time I tell myself I will do better... something else comes up to pull me away. I am going to try to keep you all better informed this year, yea, that’s my resolution...that....and a diet like everyone else..... Thanks to everyone who supported me by buying my work and made it possible to do this crazy life I love. Thanks to all my fellow artists on the road... I wouldn’t love it half as much if you weren’t there...I always look forward to our great dinners and talks. Thanks to my roadie, my husband David. I couldn’t do the long hauls without you....and Crested Butte was a blast... no telling where 2018 will take us....Yup, 2018 is in sight- just a few hours away.... and I wish all of you out there much health, and happiness in the New Year.