Stick A Fork In Me.....

This is my last show this year....Ahhhh...It’s been a year of 23 shows and I am ready to put my feet up...That’s bad, considering the Winterfair show hasn’t even started yet. I’m ready!!! -In the last 2 weeks I made 130 new small paintings and 5-10 x 10’s , 1-8x10 and one kick ass-24x24. Not to mention I have had some all nighters recently where I redid 2 of my large paintings I was not happy with, no small feat. I realize that I might just be one of those people that only needs to sleep about 4 hours a night. Maybe, you just don’t sleep as much as you get older and that’s the reason,  but I seem to be able to do with a lot less. While David is usually in bed by 8pm, I am rockin it out usually at 4 or 5am in my studio. Go figure. Anyway, Columbus is a cool town and this is my 3rd year doing Winterfair. I am in my same booth #203, and if you live nearby, definitely worth the Christmas show in the country. Not a formal show, a little bit of everything. Great place to buy gifts and other things. If you get sick of the craft show.... walk out the door to the next building and hit either the cat show, the gun show or the Chinese lantern show. Take your pick, something for everyone. Ha! After  this weekend, i’m Going to relax for about 20 minutes then go hang my work at my son, Dillon’s bar( The Brickyard) for the month of December. He’s been asking and I’ve been hedging, because there have been so many shows. No snob here, I go from “Old Town” to the “Brickyard”....equal access art, democratic as hell yah! My kiddo’s are all coming in for the holidays and I am so stoked. This year I think everyone has found their “person” and so it’s the way I always envisioned it and hoped it would be. I like their choices ( sometimes more than I like them) and I can’t wait to meet the newest addition, Robin, who is Keegie’s Irish beau. Should be fun. Christmas at the Luttrell house is always an event....I grew up as almost ( my siblings were 10 and 8 years older) an only child. Christmas was lonely and as I remember, if I didn’t put the tree up or wrap my own presents, it wouldn’t happen. So when I had my own kids, it had to be extra special. Not only do we have a ton of tradition’s, special to us, but we usually have a big crowd for dinner( around 15) and an intense game of Cards Againts Humanity” and the most incredible desert spread made by me and Keegs. It’s my favorite, favorite time of the year. Before they get here I’m going to try to take a quick trip up to see my Ma in Jesey. The body is failing but the mind is as sharp as a tac. At 102, I feel like I need to spend as much time as possible with her. After the Holidays when everyone goes back to Berlin and Cali, David will go in for major surgery on the 5th. January will be a recoup month for him and I will try to spend as much time as I can in the studio. The first thing on next years dockett is the Tempel Beth El show in St Petersburg and then down to Fort Meyers at the toe of Florida the last week of January and first week of February. Hope to fit in a swing by Neal and Audry’s in Delray Beach if possible in between. BTW, the show in Covington a few weeks ago was dope as hell, not just because I sold a lot, but because I ate the most insane, wonderful Cajun food all weekend. Definitely worth the trip. So, that’s the scoop, all the news that is fit to print, and I wish you and your’s  a wonderful Holiday, no matter how you celebrate! Thanks for supporting my vocation and reading my hidden blog posts this year, not many do, but that ok, I think I do them for me, as a record, as much as I do them for everyone else. Remember one word of wisdom for the next year, I don’t mean to preach...but do what you love, ( and buy what you love) until it kills you. That is the only way to live. Love you all... marge