Heading Home
This is just a wrap up to our trip out to Utah and Colorado. As I sit in the car through the rolling plains of Kansas as they roll and roll out to prairie lands that stretch out to the horizon. It’s beautiful but empty and as we drive by an isolated service station every 20 miles I wonder who are these people that can survive this quietness. Ridgway, Colorado was a nice show, not as fruitful as Park City but knowing it was a filler for our return trip I was really happy with the out come. Plus, I won the third highest award which was a nice surprise. We ate great pizza and filled growlers of the local brews to bring home to our beer conessouir son, Dillon, I thought how fun it would be to live in this breathtaking local and have the 10 thousand foot mountains as your neighbor. The town felt like a big extended family and I met so many really cool people. Colorado, you are dope! And I mean that in the most endearing way. Twelve hours on Monday in a car is not fun, but I had a great book to read. Tara Westovers “Educated”. Wow! I could not put it down..... If you need a great summer read, this is it. The daughter of a junkyard survivalist dad becomes a Cambridge PHD...what a ride. It rained hard most of yesterday coming back and it seems like today will be the same. Hard to believe that the West is in a terrible drought with the smell of smoke heavy in the air and the East has flood warnings most every day. What a crazy time. Looking forward to sleeping in my own bed tonight... if I don’t see a Holiday Inn for a good while, that fine by me... Also, need to pet my kitties and check on Posty. It’s been fun but I am ready to get back in the studio.... I have 10 shows and one week Teaching at Arrowmont coming up and it’s time to hustle....