The inbetween of being a Festival Artist.....

Well, Just finished the Delray Beach Art Fest.... It was a nice show at a wonderful museum venue.... It was a decent show but nothing to write home about....but I think I would come back,  just to hang with some of my favorite people in Delray...I had a lovely woman who fell in love with one of my large paintings and came back to my booth 3 times trying to make a decision. I guess I will never be a cutthroat salesman because I finally said... call me if you want....because you are too on the fense right now.... yea, I would have loved to seal the deal... but not at the expense of someone’s uneasiness. I figure pay it forward and good thing will come... I try to play it fair and kind always. So right now David ( my husband) and I are headed to the Port Of Miami to get on a cruise for 4 days to the Bahamas... Actually it was cheaper than staying in a hotel in the city. Haven’t done this since I took kids on trips in high school... so seemed like a nice reprieve before Coconut Grove next weekend the 17th to 19th in the Grove. I am in booth 924 and I hope to see you all and show you my new work. I’ll be the one with the tan scratch that-most likely a bad sunburn....

These “#%£€@$&” old bones....

I am not that old, and I am certainly not old in my head....,but driving to these shows and being in a car for eight hours a day..... makes me feel like an 89 year old with a walker. I just can’t seem to get out of the van and stand upright! What the heck is up with that?  Whatever my body is telling me... I’m telling it back that I am over it and to take a hike off a short bridge. I work out, I eat healthy and I work in my studio until the Wendy show sounds the death Nell in the other room ( around 3 am) then get up around 8 the next morning. My body doesn’t need to do me that way.... I want a little respect here. Damn. On that note.... traveling down to Mt. Dora right now....... for the first leg of our “Florida Show Tour” I am in booth 515.... on Saturday and Sunday from 10 til 5. Come by... I swear I won’t complain.... I now have gotten this off my chest..... I have almost ALL new work.... I have kicked butt this month....when you see all the work... I swear you will be on my side and wonder why my body is paying me “no respect”....... and hey..... When is Musk or Bezos going to get that “teleporting thingy going?

Upcoming Show Schedule..In case you might be around....

I'm heading down to Florida in February. It will be nice to get away from the snow and cold.....and hopefully, David and I will have some adventures along the way. Right now I'm working on lots of new art and livin' the studio life.....

First up.....Mt Dora Arts Festival.  February 3rd and 4th. Mt. Dora is a cute little town close to Orlando with a very dedicated police department......Don't worry, you won't have any trouble but us exhibitors are held to a higher standard...they can get a little intense. I have done this show before, in fact the last time was in 2014. I actually won a nice award last time. Time to try it again.

Then...Delray Beach Cornell Museum Art Fair,  February 10th and 11th I have never done this show, in fact it's relatively new and I guess you could say a filler show...Except being that it's a museum show, it should be a class act...they usually are. The best thing about this show is that I get to hang out with Audrey Hanowitz who I taught with at LAS and I haven't seen in a few years. That, I can't wait for.

Then we head down to the Coconut Grove Arts Festival February 17th, 18th, and 19th. Coconut Grove is a Big Daddy Show...always has been. I did it back in 2013 and it was great. In fact, I did it in 1985 also with Baker Morefield and Scott Bishop and it was great then too. It also was a little more affordable then too. In 2013 I did three shows in a row by myself and it was kind of brutal...I haven't done them since because of the drive and cost but decided now, since I now have my own personal roadie,(David).....It was time to try it again. Last time I came to the show, the Ricaldo-Muench family came from Mexico to see me...I had taught their daughter Ana Paula and son Pablo at LAS. It was so amazing and I definitely felt the love.....Hope that this year doesn't disappoint. 

So, If you hang out in Florida for the Winter, or if you live somewhere in this sunny state. Try to hit me up at one of these shows in February. I promise I won't disappoint.

It’s been a good year....

I don’t use this page enough... and every time I tell myself I will do better... something else comes up to pull me away. I am going to try to keep you all better informed this year, yea, that’s my resolution...that....and a diet like everyone else..... Thanks to everyone who supported me by buying my work and made it possible to do this crazy life I love. Thanks to all my fellow artists on the road... I wouldn’t love it half as much if you weren’t there...I always look forward to our great dinners and talks. Thanks to my roadie, my husband David. I couldn’t do the long hauls without you....and Crested Butte was a blast... no telling where 2018 will take us....Yup, 2018 is in sight- just a few hours away.... and I wish all of you out there much health, and happiness in the New Year. 

July and August are going to be Insane !!!


I have been so bad... All of a sudden I realized I will try to keep you updated with my schedule better in the future. Next Weekend ( another birthday on the road) I will be going to Naperville, Ill. It's another 1st time show and I hope it will be a good one. I do hope the people I met at Old Town will go to the show as I have some new large work I think you all will like.  I am in booth 76. Hope to see you there.                                                    

After Naperville I will be heading up to Touchstone to teach an encaustic class....very excited to be traveling up to Farmington. 🐝🐝🐝Then over to My Mom's house in Matawan New Jersey to celebrate her 100th Birthday!!!!!📢🔔🏆🎖🍥🦄🦄🦄. My family has longevity genes and my Mom is so sharp- with a million friends- Can't Wait!!! Then to Berlin to see Keegs and a beach trip to Split , Croatia and Slovinia. Back on the 18th of August to go to the Woodland show in Lexington.... It's going to be a wild but exciting month!!!!




First time to the Big Easy

Well, It's hard to admit, with all the places I have traveled that I have never gotten around to visit the Culinary Capitol   of the U.S.  Happy to be driving down to Covington Three Rivers Arts Fest this weekend. I am in Booth 308.   Have been deep in lately.....long hours in my head in the studio...even last night I finished around 3:30 a.m. Come see all this new inspired work.... Very achemy oriented for a place where I hear that magic is a way of life....9-5 Saturday and Sunday. So, Can't wait to eat some great Cajun food and hang with the fun locals of NOLA.

We are starting to count down to the end of the year folks....

Thought I would give you the update on where I will be next month and in early December. 

Next is Covington Fine Arts Festival in Louisiana...right across the river (or some body of water) from New Orleans. I am in Booth 301 and I am looking forward to my first Louisiana show and some good food and a short stopover in the Big Easy. Oh, and the show is Sat. and Sunday, the 14th and 15th from 10 till 5 each day. 

The next weekend is the Richmond Museum of Contemporary Art Fine Art Show. ( we are doing a lot of driving here folks). That Friday, Saturday and Sunday fro 10 till 6 each day. I am in Booth 57 and if you can find that on the map you are a better man than I.  At the present time I am trying get more information....I hope I'm not in the broom closet...that would suck.

After that in December I am at a boutique show in Nashville at Galley 3- It's all day Friday and Saturday the 11th and 12th and should be fun. Lots of glog, food and good cheer- a nice way to end the season.

Oh and that Sunday- the 20th of December, from 2 until 6  I will have an Open Studio and Christmas party at my house. More info soon to come.......

News flash: January 23-24th I will be at the Redux Center in Charleston to teach a Beginning Encaustic Class from 10 til 4 on Saturday and 11-4 on Sunday. If you are interested in attending contact the Redux Center website at

Looking for a workshop?

Well, look no more, There are places available for my beginning and my advanced/beginning workshops at Touchstone School of Crafts in August. Beginning starts August 16 to21 and Using collage with encaustic starts the 23rd. to the 28th. Touchstone is on the Pennsylvania/West Virginia border, close by Falling Water. Great foods, beautiful place, and Encaustic!!! 

"It's the big one Elizabeth",I feel it coming

OK, so we are going into the homestretch with the summer shows and if I can get everything done I am working on ("huff,puff")... I will be in good shape to do the last round before teaching the summer workshops In Peter's Valley and Touchstone.First up: Central Penn Arts Festival at State College. July9,10,11,12. From 10 till 7 each day and Moi is in BOOTH B-43, Then off to Ann Arbor and the biggest show in the country...over a thousand artists in 4 shows-whew! I am at the Original show in BOOTH 517..... Dates are 15,16,17,18 and it's at night too. Surely I know somebody in that neck of the woods!!!! If you are just cruising my website and find this... Discounts are in store for you if you mention's that for a little proactive marketing!!! Anyway, Hope to see you there.....

May 30, 1, 2, Harding Academy Show

Heading this week to exhibit at the 40th Annual Harding Academy Art Show in Nashville. I love Tennessee Craft, and all my patrons and great friends I get to see...but I am taking a break and trying something different.

I hope it's not too far to trek over to the Harding School, it is open to the public on Friday (9 - 8 p.m.) and Saturday (9 - 4 p.m.). It's located at 170 Windsor Drive. Booths aren't allocated by number and there are around 70 artists... so it's a bit smaller and easier to navigate. I have a new series of work started...It's called the Astral Series and it's an off- shoot/ evolution from the Excavation Series (one always leads to another...)  I hope you will come by...would love to see you all and show you my new work. 

My Spring and Summer Schedule so far.......thought you might like to know....

This is what is on the docket so far...more will be added hopefully... but wanted to get you up to date concerning what is already scheduled and planned.

March 13,14,15- American Craft Council Show, Galleria,  Atlanta, Ga.

Trip to Switzerland, Istanbul, Bodrum and Cappadocia with my beautiful daughter, Keegan. A research trip of sorts to study and visit the ancient ruins around the Aegean region for inspiration for the myth and Constellation series. Can't wait-woohoo!

April 18, 19,  Ridgeland Fine Art Show, Mississippi

April 25, 26,  New Orleans Jazz Festival 

April 29, 30, 1, 2,  Harding Art Show, The Harding School, Nashville

May 1, 2, 3,  Tennessee Craft, Centennial Park, Nashville

May 9, Demo at Jerry's Artarama in Knoxville

May 16, 17, Artsplosure, Raleigh, N.C.

May 23, 24, Decatur Fine Art Show, Ga.

June 5, 6, 7, Three River's Art Festival, Pittsburg

June 13, 14, Old Town, Chicago

July 15,16,17,18,  Ann Arbor, the Original Street Show,  Michigan

August 7 to 11 Teaching Encaustics at Peter's Valley School of Crafts, "Encaustic Storytelling" 

August 15 to 22 Teaching at Touchstone School of Crafts,  "An Intro to Encaustics"

August 22 to 29 Teaching at Touchstone School of Crafts, "Encaustic Storytelling" 

.....that's what I know at this time...more to come.....( I love my life!) 


Headed to American Craft Council Show in Atlanta this Week March 13,14,15

Well it's that time again for one of my favorite shows of the year. If you haven't ever attended a American Craft Council Show at the Galleria Convention Center in Atlanta you owe it to yourself. It's a beautiful big box of delicious candy. Well, sort of, if candy were the best of fine crafts from around the country. It's a lovely show to do with lots of friends to see - since it's my fourth time doing it. It always feels like the start of the year for me and my art show schedule. Last month I did the ACC Baltimore show and it was terrific but under the gloom of snow ( it was a white knuckle drive up there), this show feels more like a true beginning. I am in BOOTH 410 and I have three free tickets left to give out if you need one let me know. If you want to save a bit of money come on Friday night -it's just five dollars to get in, otherwise I think the price of admission is 15.(yea, it's expensive but worth it). The hours are Friday-10 - 8, Saturday 10 - 6, Sunday 10 - 5, 

This year one of my pieces is featured in a designer's room - should be fun. Hope to see you- I have so much new's almost all new work...Yea me!!!